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Reports of Yemeni Fighters Joining GNA as More War Crimes Are Reported

According to Middle East Monitor's Yemen News Portal, Turkey, which has been increasingly active in humanitarian outreach operations among Muslim Brotherhood controlled territories in Yemen is sending Yemeni mercenaries to Libya. Released intelligence reports indicated that approximately 200 Yemenis arrived in Libya to fight with the Al-Wefaq and GNA. 

As MeMo reports,  militias affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood's Al Islah party in Marib sent fighters to Turkey under the guise of receiving treatment in the hospital. From the hospital  they were allegedly transferred to Tripoli. There is speculation that the Islah party is trying to form a military alliance with Turkey by sending mercenaries to fight for Ankara in Libya, amid increasing reports of a possible Turkish intervention in Yemen. 
Note: Middle East Monitor is a Qatar-backed publications.

Meanwhile, reports of human rights abuses by the Turkey-backed GNA militias, continue to accumulate. Abdel-Hamid Almdota informs the family of the prisoner Ayman al-Tair of his death under torture, and it is reported that the victim from the Qarji area was arrested about a week ago


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